Why You Still Need A Boiler Service In The Summer?

We are now thoroughly in the depths of summer. This means many things; more time outside with family and friends, the potential for beach holidays and a lesser need to heat your home.
At Royale Boilers, we supply high quality and all encompassing boiler services in Stoke-on-Trent. As such, we have noticed a lesser need for our wonderful heating engineers from Stoke-on-Trent. However, perhaps this should not be the case.
Just because the weather is nicer and your home is naturally warmer, this does not mean there is no need for a boiler service. Because of this, we have taken it upon ourselves to detail reasons why you should not neglect the your boiler during the summer period.
Break Downs Can Occur At Any Time
As previously mentioned, your boiler might see significantly less use in the summer months. Because of this, you might think that your boiler will be less likely to break down. This is incorrect however.
Boilers can still see a catosphirc breakdown during the summer months. Because of this, you might want to ensure your boiler remains healthy and useable. As we have detailed in many of our previous blogs, the best way to do this is by booking regular boiler services by a team of fully qualified experts.
It’s More Than Just Your Heating
Your boiler is usually responsible for providing hot water for showers and your taps. While it might seem tempting to have a cold or lukewarm shower when temperatures outside are particularly humid and sticky, it is definitely not recommended.
Shower and washing in freezing cold water can lead to you feeling unwell and it might not be cleaning you as originally intended. This is in addition to the fact that once you actually get in the shower you will find it does not feel as pleasant as first thought.
In addition, when it comes to doing the washing up, you can not do this in cold water. Washing your dishes in cold water, even with an antibacterial solution in it, will lead to your dishes being a breeding ground for all manner of bacteria and germs. This is yet another reason you will require hot water in your home, even during the summer months.
Different Boilers Have Different Settings
With the prospect of energy bills increasing again, you might be tempted to turn off your boiler in an attempt to save money. However, this might not always be the best course of action.
Depending on the boiler you have, you might be able to switch it to an energy saving mode without fully turning it off. Some heating systems have pilot and even standby modes which can help to preserve energy while still providing your home with hot water.
Do You Require Boiler Repair or Servicing This Summer?
If you require boiler repair in Stoke-on-Trent or surrounding areas this summer, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our highly qualified team of heating engineers from Stoke-on-Trent are always here to help you with any problem you might have.